Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Say, are we overly reliant on technology?

Technology is somewhat we claim everything to be “smart” these days. If the digital structure crashes down, even temporarily, those who attached to smart tools will be left looking unintelligent. As what Chatfield (2013) said that “people all bear the risks of an uncritical approach to smart living: of a machine-woven social  fabric that might, at the push of a button or the snipping of a cable, unravel entirely” Any form of technology that comes to a break down, even for a short while, can cause huge disturbance to our daily life. Technology is indeed a great assistant to humans, bringing much convenience to us. Technology keeps chasing us with time. It is as if a market of competition between companies to develop better products and services. 

One of the example of the latest technology is Mobile Payment:

Samsung Pay is the latest mobile payment that joins in with Apple and Google to compete in the market of mobile payment system that makes paying things with smartphone even easier! Samsung Pay is an advance version, where it has a magnetic transmission technology that allows phones to be used as credit card, which enables much more merchants to accept mobile payments (Villapaz, 2015). Yes, you can purchase anything anywhere. Now, think of what happens if the phone is lost or battery dies. Besides, it pushes society to purchase new gadgets for such application as it works only in the latest smartphones such as Samsung S6 and Samsung S6 Edge (Samsung Pay), Iphone 6 and Iphone 6plus (Apple Pay). It is too convenient that people misuse it, causing overspendings. As much as it disturbs when it involves money, people are all exposed to the risk of being hacked into their mobile payment system. In a blink of eye, the number in your account can just change from millions to cents!

"Anick Jesdanum, a New York based AP reporter, tried living a week without cash or traditional credit cards, using only mobile payments transacted with his mobile phone. He found many places did accept mobile payments, but transactions were not always successful. Many merchants were not yet ready to accept the new form of payment. Jesdanum ended up borrowing cash to eat or walking home when he could not refill his Metrocard." 
-CBSNews (2014).

Sometimes, instead of bringing convenient, technology becomes the troublemaker. People do not realize the impacts in long run. How excellent or poor for the growth of technology towards human-mentally, physically even emotionally. It is undeniable that life is definitely much better with technology yet it should not take over humanity. Humans should be able to have self control and think wisely in handling technology. Never allows technology to control you.


CBSNews. (November 11, 2014). Retrieved from

Chatfield, T. (2013). When smart is not so smart. In BBC. Retrieved from

Villapaz, L. (March 02, 2015). Samsung Pay. Vs Apple Pay. Vs. Google Wallet: Why Magnetic Tech Gives Samsung An Advantage?. In International Business Times. Retrieved from


  1. It is no harm for improving technologies and indeed, it has improved the human beings livelihood at the same time as it brings conveniences to the people. However, despite expanding technology's function blindly, the creator should have thought of the cons of the technology proposed and figures out solution(s) for it as technology literacy is playing an important role to guide and educate its user.

  2. it is undeniable that technology really brings us a lot of convenient, other than stay connected to people, or even the global village; it also helps us in our daily life, like what Mei Sann, even payment can be done through mobile devices. however, with the emergence of technology, everyone tend to be over-dependent on those mobile gadgets. some of us might face this, feeling uncomfortable without our smart phones or gadgets; facing gadgets most of the time, and sometimes, even caused overspending due to goods purchasing through online/ smart payment.
    after all, the advancement of the technologies should be used wisely so that it couldn't be abused and causes hacking problem in social media.

    1. You guys got the point. Convenience, somehow and sometimes, can cause inconvenient to people's live as well.
      But think in other perspective, aren't it initially intended to bring ease our life? Guess human beings are the one who over-relying on gadgets and caused inconvenient to themselves, right? Human lives were used to be so simple without gadgets. Societal development causes technology development and prompts to further development thus impacts on society's livelihood.

  3. While the world has become more connected since the arrival of technology, human beings in the society have become more disconnected. Like the example given by Mei Sann, if we do our payment using Samsung Pay, we do not even need to have a conversation with the cashier. Normal and simple interaction with people will be disappeared. No doubt that technology brings us convenient, it also leads us to forget about the beauty of human interaction that is not governed and controlled by any gadget. We should always be alert that everything has its pros and cons.

  4. Yes. We are relying too much on technology until technology has changed the way we go about our daily routine. Why I say so? For example, children, they do not even know how to use dictionary because “Google has it all”. So, they do not even have a dictionary nowadays with the replacement of Google. Besides that, most accidents are caused by those people who are using their phones while driving, walking or cycling. In short, recently, a very sad issue happened on me during Chinese New Year. Most of the people were busy looking on their mobile phone any time and anywhere. During reunion dinner with family, they looked and played with their mobile phones. A new word “Phubbing” has introduced to describe the phenomenon of ignoring others by constantly checking on the smartphones. I agreed with Mei Sann, due to the transmission technology that allows phone to access internet to purchase, to make payment and others, unemployment had occurred in our society because technology almost replace human.
    In short, technology is not the problem but the problem is the way human uses it.

  5. Well I do have other opinion regarding this technology issue, I don't think we had over rely on technology, just try to think carefully, why such technology is created at the first place? Mainly is because we need it, right? Is to fulfill our need, beside cutting of the cost and human power. The advancement of technology help us to manage our scarce resources ( time and human power) at a way more efficient way. Besides, even though technology may distance the relationship between human, but it do helps in another perspective, it helps us to avoid unnecessary interaction or communication with strangers, it means a lot for people who suffer from communication problem or even phobia.

  6. Well, we know that technology has become one more important part of our lives. And yes, I admit we have become overly dependent on technology. Why I say so? Nowadays, when people need to know about something they were instantly Google’s it. The easiest ways to gather more information that technology brings and people would tend to be afraid lose it especially for the younger generations. However, I am more realizing on family gathering as Yee Yeong mentioned that she very sad during her Chinese New Year celebration. As what can I see, people nowadays spend much more time on their phones while having an important date like a family dinner. While they tend to be busy and only communicate with their ‘new life’ culture. This is a quite much interesting to talk about, but one more important thing that was missing out on our life which are face to face interaction. I agreed as what you guys had told that technology is actually not the problem, but what way we use it instead it can bring more convenient to us.

  7. Dasawarsa ini, kehidupan kita tidak boleh lari daripada ledakan teknologi yang semakin canggih dan mencabar ini. Hal ini adalah kerana setiap perkara yang kita lakukan sering berkait dengan teknologi. Berdasarkan persoalan yang diajukan oleh Tan Mei Sann berkenaan kebergantungan terhadap teknologi. Bagi saya kehidupan seharian saya adalah terlalu bergantung pada teknologi. Sebagai contoh, menonton televisyen, mencari sumber maklumat, berkomunikasi jarak jauh melalui telefon bimbit. Perkara ini tidak dapat dielakkan kerana teknologi banyak memberikan manfaat dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Selain itu, teknologi ini juga dikatakan tidak boleh dipisahkan dari kita sebagai manusia kerana hampir semua aspek memerlukan teknologi seperti pendidikan, perubatan dan kesihatan dan banyak lagi. Tetapi dengan kebergantungan terhadap teknologi ini juga memberikan impak yang negatif jika kita sebagai pengguna lalai menggunakannya dengan baik. Impak yang paling ketara adalah apabila kita terlalu bergantung dengan teknologi ini adalah wujudnya jurang dalam sesebuah perhubungan itu. Sebagai contoh, akibat terlalu fokus dengan telefon pintar, orang sekeliling tidak dihiraukan dan hanya sibuk bermain telefon sehingga menyebabkan seseorang rakan itu berkecil hati dengan sifat kita. Oleh itu, kita perlulah bijak dalam menggunakan teknologi yang ada ini dan perlu melihat pro dan kontra dalam kebergantungan terhadap teknologi ini.
