Saturday, 2 May 2015

Vent Dissatisfaction and Negative Emotions: Social Media

Social network is a dedicated website which allows users to communicate with people by posting statuses, images, comments and information (Pempek et al., 2009). The examples of social networking sites are Facebook, MySpace, Instagram and YouTube as well as micro-blogging sites which include Twitter, Flickr and blogs. Social networks allow hundreds of different people to communicate together in a central location. Nowadays, people spend a major part of their daily life to interact with others through social networks.

Social networks provided benefits for network users to create social relationships, form identity, entertain and also use it for academic purposes. Besides that, people use social network as a platform to share content and their daily routine as well as to vent their dissatisfaction and negative emotions (Clark, 2013). Social network serves as a complaint channel for network users to complain about their personal issues, family problems, friendship problems, dating life issues, financial problems and education problems. I noticed that people tend to update their status on social networking channels to express their emotion in a negative way. For example, people will update their status when they feel sad, unhappy, disappointed and angry. 

Bicycle lost… Get solutions from Facebook’s user

Struggle with hunger…

Feeling emotional when failed to complete the task on that day.

One of the most famous social networking sites, Facebook provides a platform for Facebook user to express their feelings and what is going on with their lives through status update. Hence, other Facebook users can use the Facebook feature button such as “like” or “thumbs up” and comment spaces to give responses.

Farnadi et al. (2014) found that female social network users are more emotional in their status post than male users. In other words, female users are more likely to express more emotions when they update their status compare to male users. According to Jalonen (2014), women are more likely to use negative words to attract other people attention to their dissatisfaction in order to get the solutions. Besides that, when people disclose about their negative experiences through social media, this can actually prevent other people from suffering a similar incident or similar negative experience (Jalonen, 2014). 

So, what is your way to vent your dissatisfaction or release your emotions? Do you prefer to vent dissatisfaction on social network or tell your family and close friends about your problem? Why?


Clark, J. (2013). Conceptualising social media as complaint channel. Journal of Promotional Communications, 1(1), 104-124.
Farnadi, G., Sitaranab, G., Rohani, M., Kosinski, M., Stillwell, D., Moens, M., Davalos, S., & De Cock, M. (2014). How are you doing? Emotions and personality in Facebook. Proc. of Empire, 25-56.
Jalonen, H. (2014, April). Social Media: An arena for venting negative emotions. International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design. (pp. 224-230). Turku: Finland.
Pempek, T. A., Yermolayeva, Y. A., & Calvert. S. L. (2009). College students’ social networking experiences on Facebook. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 30(3), 227-238.


  1. No doubt that Facebook or other social media has become the channels for some human beings to share their feelings or emotions, there are still people who do not vent dissatisfaction through social media. For instance, I myself never post negative status on Facebook or other social media to vent dissatisfaction although I have many social accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, WeChat and Instagram. I am afraid that my privacy will be invaded and at the same time, I do not hope my negative feelings will affect my social media friends as well. I have my own ways to release negative feelings such as talk face to face with my family members or close friends, listening to music and go for a walk alone. However, it did not mean that venting dissatisfaction through Facebook is wrong. Everyone is free to choose what they like to post or what they like to share. In short, everyone has their own preference in venting negative emotions. :) Status updating has become a daily routine for others. It is a trend now. :)
    Some researchers mentioned that females tend to share more negative feelings than male social network users, however, I did not agree with that. Through my observation on Facebook, both females and males do share negative feelings. I think that gender is not a reason to determine the behavior of status update. :)

  2. Facebook adalah salah satu jaringan sosial yang sering digunakan oleh setiap orang dalam mengisi masa dalam aktiviti seharian mereka. Saya setuju dengan pendapat Ng Yee Yeong mengenai ramai pengguna facebook ini sering menggunakan laman facebook untuk meluahkan perasaan, aktiviti harian mereka dan sebagainya. Saya sendiri melihat ramai rakan facebook saya sering meluahkan perasaan yang mereka alami tidak kira perasaan marah, gembira dab juga sedih. Bagi pandangan saya, ini adalah satu cara untuk mereka melepaskan tekanan yang mereka alami. Kita tidak seharusnya tidak menghalang mereka daripada membuat perkara tersebut kerana mereka mempunyai hak tersendiri dalam membuat apa yang mereka khendaki. Bagi saya pula, saya tidak pernah meluahkan sebarang perasaan tidak puas hati dan melepaskan emosi dalam mana-mana laman sosial ini. Saya lebih suka berdiam diri daripada meluahkan sesuatu yang membuat orang sekeliling berasa tersinggung dengan apa yang akan saya luahkan dilaman facebook. Hal ini kerana saya kurang aktif untuk membuka laman sosial seperti facebook ini dan membukanya hanya untuk tujuan tertentu sahaja. Jika mempunyai masalah peribadi, saya sering berkongsi dengan keluarga sendiri dan rakan yang rapat dengan saya. Saya lebih memilih untuk menulis diari sendiri jika dibandingkan dengan meluahkan perasaan di laman social ini kerana bagi saya perkara ini adalah satu privacy dalam hidup saya.

  3. It is undeniable that people uses social networking sites such as Facebook as a platform to express their feelings. Active users might have a few posts of their feelings daily especially in Facebook, they can “tag” their feelings at their status. As for me, I feel it is not suitable to express my feelings out to Facebook which I consider those hundreds of friends in my list as “public”. To express my dissatisfaction, I'll usually complain to my trusted friends. Just like a counseling session with a good listener. Another way to release my emotion is through blogging where I do not share my post out to people. Lastly is to put everything aside, get myself comfortable on the couch for a good movie session and chewing on snacks. Then off to bed to sleep to settle down my feelings. Social networking sites can be a good place to share good things but I feel it is a childish act to post out expression that brings down people. It doesn't resolve the problem, but instead, it might create more conflicts. I don't think people should complicate themselves. The world is complicated enough already.

  4. It is doubtless that social network sites (SNS) is considered as a personal object to individuals and users are free to share whatever they want to share with anybody that they want to share to. This setting is available to allow or disallow anyone from the user's friend circle to view his/her posts on his/her page. However, as example(s) raise above, there are also the time where users are not available to edit such setting especially come to the point that they want to post something in a community group.
    The idea posted is now not only available to his friends, but also the members in the community group. In such case, indeed, a post which is perceived as positive in the community will be favorited by the community; where a negative-bias post is more likely to receive attacks from other members in that community.
    I am likely to say that SNS is doubtless a good channel to express emotions and feelings. But, by the time an individual is about to publish his post, he should have consider whether the content that he has wrote is offensive or provoking to the community for the sake of not causing any conflict among all users.

  5. Usually, different people define their emotions in different ways. Maybe some of the people satisfied to release their tension on the beach, by eating and etc. because we are the one who can change or control our fuel. As an example, I myself will never try to post any negative issue on media like Facebook or other media. It would be embarrassing if I post something is a non-professional as well. In many ways I could be trying to cool down when I am dissatisfied and want to release it with some activity that I love. For instance, I always share my problem with my mother so I can tell over her what actually I fell. Besides that, I prefer to be alone and release it. By the way, all people have different type of emotion and can choose the way they want to release it.

  6. As the advancing of technologies go further, there are a lot of "keyboard warriors" appear. These keyboard warriors hide themselves behind their monitor, do not fare to raise up their voice in reality, but say whatever they want on Internet.
    I noticed there are a lot of confession sites had been established in social media like Facebook, and these sites are so popular among people nowadays.
    People critics and say their opinion by hiding themselves, is such a coward action to me.
    In general I do not agree that people should voice out their opinion via Facebook, they should do it in real life.
